ImBatch is a free multithreaded image processing tool for your Windows PC. With the help of ImBatch, users can perform a variety of complex image editing tasks; applying those changes to hundreds of images at once. Whether you’re looking to crop, resize, rotate, add/remove tags or convert image format, ImBatch provides users with dozens of editing tools.
Build Tasks for Automatic Editing
What sets ImBatch apart from other image processors is our task building environment. By combining different image editing tasks, ImBatch lets you design your own unique image editing projects. Ranging from simple to complex, there is virtually no limit to the variety of “builds” that you can create and process in batch with ImBatch’s help. Since ImBatch lets you save builds, the more you use it the faster it becomes. Equipped with the ability to monitor specified folders, ImBatch can automatically access those builds and apply edits saving you time and money. For more information on how to use ImBatch checkout our How-to section.
Featured Tasks
What makes this tool different from other batch image processors is its “Task Structure”. You can combine Tasks to make a processing sequence that will give you exactly what you want. ImBatch offers many imaging functions (Tasks) like converting, resizing or applying watermark. You can change the order of tasks, add some tasks twice or more (for example, to convert images to JPEG and PNG in one go), turn off/on tasks to exclude/include them from the task processing list, hide some task parameters, leaving only the necessary ones. Also you can undo/redo all changes made in Task List.
These days every camera seems to have its own native image format, and these file types don’t always play nice with each other. The good news is that ImBatch is capable of handling just about any image format you can imagine. ImBatch integrates seamlessly with your source images whether they originate as BMP, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG or J2K. You might be thinking “Yeah but - what about exceptionally rare formats?” ImBatch lets you work with those as well by featuring powerful format conversion technology that lets you actually change your image files from one format to another. Further, ImBatch includes three different plug-ins (DCRaw, ImageMagick, and JBig) that serve to vastly extend the number of formats it’s able to recognize.
ImBatch usage:
ImBatch.exe [-h [NotSilent]] [-b "SavedTasksFile.bsv"] [-i "ImageFiles"] [-r] [-c]
Does not show ImBatch's main window. In this mode, if you don't also set -r parameter, ImBatch will not work and automatically terminate after the start. If there is a NotSilent parameter, then an information window will appear in the end of processing.
-b "SavedTasksFile.bsv"
Automatically loads tasks from SavedTasksFile.bsv file.
-i "ImageFiles"
Automatically loads images, specified in ImageFiles part. ImageFiles must be quoted and separated by "|" character without any spaces.
Automatically runs batch image processing.
Automatically closes ImBatch on finish.
Also you can write parameters into the text file, where each parameter must be placed on a separate line. Then you must send this file prefixed with @ and enclosed with quotation marks to ImBatch in following form: ImBatch.exe "@ParamsFileName"
And one more thing: ImBatch is absolutely FREE!
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